About Enigma Creative

Enigma Creative is the outlet for my creative endeavors, both professional and personal. In addition to the work I do for clients, I also create artwork for my own personal enjoyment and expression. The pages below will show you a more in-depth view of me and my company.

Enigma: The Company

Enigma Creative offers an array of creative design and creative consulting services including graphic design and web site design, search engine optimization (seo), music production, and radio production. Enigma has its roots in my childhood, when I loved to draw, work...

Enigma: The Name

e-nig'-ma (noun): Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained. Probably the most common question I get from people has to do with why I chose to use Enigma for the name of a graphic design company. Unfortunately, there isn't a quick, simple answer,...

Enigma Creative
2457 Poplar Drive
Kawkawlin, MI 48631